Monday, August 29, 2005

The way i look normally

a slice from id-card

how to be early retired

I was bir the 14'th of Februsary 1956 in the very north of Sweden. !960 i camae to Stockholm and talked a dialect unknown.Under the next 13 years i was good at school and took a year studying computing. Got job at Ericsson Research labs when they just had there succees with AXE, Run first mainframes but begun to be unterested in UNIX. The growth of Sun Microsytems in the company was fast and i worked day and night to keep then up ruuning and made lots of maintainence programs. So one day i faced a mental breakout (1986) that in turn triggered the mano-depressive gene from my fathers side. I went in and out of mental care instead of rehabilitation home.
I id my last day at work in May 1993, In 1996 i went retired but sudder still from the mano-depressive(bipolar) sicknes. I am now at a luxuary rehabilitaion home at the countryside whith web-pc on my room. i have learnt lots of PC but this is a test to use Blogger.