Thursday, November 29, 2007


My Life Story
Torleif Hansson’s lifestory (feelroot)
I was born in the north of Sweden 19560214. 1960 we settled down in a suburb to Stockholm. I spoke a dialect unknown for the guys. I learned fast southern Stockholm cockney.I wag odd at school and had always best rating in test. The year 1967 was
The year my father could not sleep and went into psychotic mani and after a visit at a mental hospital he hung himself 19680228.Now I found out that manodepressivity can inherit ,my grandfather died at a mental hospital before I was born.
Teenage time
I laid all my energy in campus to get good papers and after boring military service
Begum to work at a company doing all computer work for Swedens subsectors.
But around 19 years old I decided to get an education in computer science.
My years at Ericsson
I was employed by Ericsson Research Labs 1981 and the first years was fine. Then
I begun to work with next generation of networked workstations,but I got no team around me
When the number exceed several hundreds (SUN) . I stopped going to the gym and worked loner and longer each day. Finally I one day felt strange and had my first burnout and now I noe it was a psychosis. But it activated the bipolar gene from my fathers side. I had lots of attempt to get back to work again but manic psychos led to mental hospital to get sedative med like nozinan.,nallorol, haldol. …. Finally I got my pension and was retired at 40 years age

My years with king alcohol
Instead of sitting alone in my flat I begun to go to the pub that open 12:00 and sit
drinking to place closes but I was alert when I come home so I looked at MTV
Finally I was in manic state and mental hospital again.. One of these visits I offered a
Woman to live by me, but that was a catastrophal decision cause she was a speeder
(amphetamine),she tok there people that where speeders and thiefs and disturbed my surrounding neighbours so I lost the contract of my flat, Now I am living in a mental
care home in the bush at the countryside of Sweden and have severe problem with
my sleep when I am free from alcohol, I sleep on (21:;00) nitrazepam+immovane